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Myles Allen, Oxford University (Energy Transition)
'Save the planet: invest in fossil fuels?' with Prof Myles Allen
Introducing a Carbon Takeback Policy - Prof. Myles Allen
Myles Allen - Oxford Martin principles
Upstream decarbonization through a carbon takeback obligation – Prof Myles Allen (COP26 event)
Climate change in six lumps of coal with Professor Myles Allen
Houston, we have a problem: how the fossil fuel industry is risking our future - Myles Allen
Climate scientist Myles Allen on #Fridays4Future #SchoolStrikes4Climate
Climate Scientist Myles Allen explains climate change and how to stop it
Humans of Oxford Net Zero: Prof Myles Allen
Myles Allen, Kaya Axelsson, Sam Fankhauser & Steve Smith in conversation: "Net zero – why and how?"
PRIMA2009 Plenary Lecture 7: Myles Allen (Uni of Oxford)